Vegetables vs. Cravings? Who will win the battle?

A year ago Matt and I were turned onto the Raw diet by his sister Sarah.  I've enjoyed it yet have moved on.  Recently we've added to this more extreme diet by omitting dairy, grains, sugar and flavor. All this being said here's a small list of the things I miss most:

My most recent 'Miss' #5 are Triticale Berries. Not a berry at all, but an exotic,nutty tasting grain.

#4 'Miss' Concord Grape Jelly- the very very unhealthy kind.

#3 'Miss' heated Safeway Reduced Fat Peanut Butter on an English Muffin.
                 **I loved this peanut butter so much that I tried to fly it with me to Mexico...  it was confiscated for being a liquid...I argued it being a plasma for a good 4 minutes..

 #2 'Miss' Knock-Off Shredded Mini Wheats.  When I googled a photo of them I just noticed they make them now with fruit in the middle!  OMG!
The knockoff brand has so much more sugar on them...they're like breakfast and dessert.
 #1 'Miss' is going to have to be a tossup...yet they both (sort of) come out of the same category...sugar...Dried pineapple rings and gummies. 

Although it sometimes feels like more give than take, overall by giving up carbs, sugars, grains, and focusing more on meats, vegetables and fruits I feel a lot better and have less spikes throughout my day. 

Well, I'm probably going to break down and eat #1-5 tomorrow as writing this just started some major cravings =)



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