The Next 86 Days

The last 3 months have been used to train for my next 3 months.  

My mind and body are really starting to feel the days I've spent doing cross-fit, riding my tri bike, road running and trail running. Last weekend I ran 20 miles...this weekend...I may just rest.  

Today,August 6th marks my 86 day count down to get thru the end of October and the special events I have planned till then.  I'm volunteering at Blues for the Zoo today from12pm - 6pm.  Should be a good time posing as Security- good music, good fun and great people!

As of tomorrow I've got exactly 3 weeks until Ironman Louisville~  This will be my 3rd year competing.  The month leading up to it makes me so nervous...the line we wait in to start makes me even more nervous but once I start I'll be OK.  This year I've got a new Argon 18 Tri Bike that I'm very excited about.  I've also been working on my outfit that I'll be wearing...more on that later.  

What also happens to go down while I'm in Louisville is my 10 year High School Reunion- great timing!  I've also heard that there may be a memorial for my friend Carly Donohue on August 27th while I'm in town.  It would be a pleasure to make that also!


Once back from the Ironman and of course all caught up with work I'll have roughly 10 days to: 1) get back in the mood to do long distance running and 2) train for the 18 mile trail run.

The Endure the Bear trail run is part of the Open Air Big Bear series I'm competing in - Conquer the Bear.

Since the beginning of the series there was a 10K Snowshoe Race (January), a 20+mile Mountain Bike Race (June) and a 12 mile Kayak race (July).  Overall in the standings I'm ranked 3rd, with the 2nd place just over 30 minutes ahead of me.


Brings more fun, less competitive activities!  We're climbing Mount Whitney and I'm hoping its not cold!  There will be 6 of us and the goal is to make it to the top!  Two years ago we were shut down due to a hail storm while sitting on the first ledge (photo) of the East Buttress.

Overall even though I'm worn out I'm very excited for the next 86 days- these should be some very very memorable times!



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