I don't LIKE Bananas-(Said like a Brat)

It all started about a week ago.  I would lay in bed at night and my hands were tensing up and moving by themselves.  My shoulders jumped in and started doing the same thing two nights later.  I immediately jumped to the conclusion that I had Parkinson's disease.  I cried for a brief second and then moved on.  On Tuesday night I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst and probably 2nd Charley Horse I've ever had in my life.  Once I began talking to other people they began diagnosing me themselves.

I could have/be...

1)  Elderly and pregnant...No
2) Hormonally imbalanced...No
3) Dehydrated...Maybe
4) Low in Potassium and Calcium...Probably

Thus begins why I hate bananas, because now I have to eat them.

I can't eat a whole banana plain because it's been known to make me too full and burp them up.  So...I've started thinking of other ways I can squeeze in banana that may/may not work. 

Before I started this I had to go buy the smallest bananas I could so they would taste less  bananaey. 

Attempt 1:  Putting a Banana in my Strawberry Recoverite. 

Score:  4.  It still tasted too bananaey. Maybe next time I'll go with half a 'naner but kudos to the Chocolate  Soy Milk for diluting the banana flavor just a tad.

Attempt 2:  Frozen Banana with Peanut Butter and Raisins.
Score 5. Still bananaey but the peanut butter helps you not focus on what you're actually doing (eating a banana). Sometimes if you trying to do it for pleasure and not pain carob chips work well as opposed to raisins.

Attempt 3: Home attempt at Flattened baked Banana with Chocolate Soy Milk.

Score 8.  Sort of like a pancake, its got a little chocolate flavor to it where you can't really taste the 'naner...but its just painful to have to make a banana look like fake barf just so I can choke it down to get Potassium.

Attempt 4: Odwalla Strawberry Banana Smoothie
Score:  9.  But I don't believe that I really get that much potassium from it and I feel that the banana and its benefits gets 'lost' with all the other ingredients. 

Attempt 5:  Trader Joes Flattened Banana.
Score 10.  Winner by a landslide (or just a point).  It doesn't have the leftover banana taste hours after you eat it.  The only ingredient is banana.  The problem with it  is that it requires a 2 hour drive to Trader Joes to stock up on them. - This makes it  not worth it.  (Unless I'm in the area).

So...I'm done...that was my journey on how I've  been trying to eat bananas.  I'll leave you with this funny page that actually exists on Facebook.  It's entitled 'i HATE bananas'. And I now know there are 3,106 other people that feel the same way about bananas.



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