Home Fry

I'm the type of person that likes to do things myself, even if its ridiculous.   Here are a few things I have on my to do list that may not be on a normal persons:

  • Build my own outdoor couch
  • Put a helicoil in my dirt bike so that the spark plug fits
  • Make my own ironing board (I can't find one that I really like- therefore I don't iron my clothes)
Anywho, that's so you get the idea of what I'm about to say.

I bleach my own hair.

There for a while I was thinking it was a good idea.  Total win/win situation I had set myself up for.  I get to do it myself, I learn something new.  So, the last time I visited my hairdresser I  secretly watched what she was using, order the shit online and had good outcomes- my hair was the color I wanted right?

I was unaware that there's this special shampoo that is to be used to stop the reaction and wash the bleach out.   The last time I bleached my hair I didn't get all of it out and in the morning...it was...um...fried to say the least.   I'm used to looking like I stuck my fingers in a socket, but this was a different story.

My hairdresser was out of town so I got a number of a gal Tammy that does hair in the Village at Studio 9
She reamed me the whole while she washed out my hair, put a 6 hour conditioner in and topped it off with a lunch lady hat I wasn't to take off.

So, what else do you do for 6 hours while your hair is in a lunch lady hat?  Go on a long trail run.

I started the course of my upcoming 18 mile trail run and had plans to finish.  That was till it started raining (I kept wondering if bears and mountain lions come out more frequently in the rain?).  Once I got to the intersection of 2N10 and 1E01 I continued on 2N10, with conditioner dripping down my neck.  This conditioner in fact smelled soooo good that I thought it would attract bears and mountain lions.

I was prepared for this though...

 Regardless of what I had with me, mentally with my new smell and the rain I decided to turn back.  I made a bee line back to my car at the Village.  Overall it turned out okay, I saw none of the following (bears, mountain lions, rattlesnakes, dead bodies).  I did however see a lot of runners, mountain bikers, off roaders that gave me an odd look. I mean I did have a lunch lady hat on underneath a running cap and could feel conditioner running down my neck.  

*Side note: This isn't a normal sight when you go on a trail run.

Highlight of the story. I got back to my car...looked in the mirror and the 'conditioner' appeared to be semen-ish looking and all over my face/neck and in my ears.  

Point of the story:  I learned my lesson.  I won't be bleaching my hair myself for a long long time.



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