Market Statistics-Year to Date August 31st 2013

New Listings11191240
Closed Listings730845
Median Sales Price$160,000.00$179,750.00
Average Sales Price$233,549.00$245,339.00
Price Per Square Foot$153.24$164.44
Percent of Original List Price95.00%96.37%
Days on Market12699
Inventory of Homes for Sale
4.93 Months

Just a quick recap to add August 2013 to our Market Analysis in our year to date tracking.  We are heading even more into a sellers market going down from 5.16 months of inventory to 4.93 months of inventory.

Another great thing for sellers is that they are selling their homes 22% faster than they were in 2012 and getting $11.20 more per square footage with both average and median sales price going up 5% and 12% respectively.

More listings, more closings.

See my website for more information on purchasing a home in Big Bear and surrounding areas.


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