29 Reasons Why I Love Real Estate

This current real estate market is (Fill in the Blank). Regardless of how I have ever finished that sentence I still love being a real estate agent. Here are 29 reasons why:

1.  I love waking up in the morning and knowing that whatever I have planned for the day will ultimately go out the window-and I'm okay with that.

2.  Being sick doesn't mean I don't make money. Enough of what I do can be worked on from the comfort of my own home.

3. Real Estate, many times, has made me cry. I cry when I see those deserving homeowners not getting what they deserve....In the end I have to remind myself that everything happens for a reason...and I love being in a business that brings out that passion in me.

4.  I love real estate agents. Albeit, some of them are complete imbeciles – but those just make me look good. The good agents make the business fun and keep me learning and on my toes!

5.  I enjoy marketing. Real estate marketing is ever changing and I love learning all the cutting edge tricks and seeing how my marketing plan will fit into that.

6.  Real Estate never dies. I don’t care how the market is doing, real estate will always be traded. Land simply cannot go away and there are always people ready, willing and able to buy and sell it.

7.  I hold a very large chunk of people’s financial life in my hands. Scary as all hell, but it keeps me honest! … and I love being honest.

8.  Real Estate keeps me into the world of blogging and social media.  I enjoy blogging to be able to release my inner thoughts

9.  There will be months that I will make absolutely nothing and there will be months where I make more than some people do in a year.  It keeps me in perspective, thankful and living simply.

10. I create my own schedule and can be there for my first born when she arrives, my friends and family when they need me.

11. The dynamic nature of this business always keeps me on my toes. The shifting of the market flings me from comfortable into a place where I must to be more effective for my clients which encourages- more learning =)

12.  Even though my house doesn't qualify as one, I love old cabins. The Big Bear Lake real estate market does not have a lot of old homes – however the ones they do are so cool. I never cared about houses until I became an agent.

13.  I like seeing the different types of interior home layouts. Again, I never cared about architecture until I became an agent.

14.  I love solving problems and real estate is an all-you-can-eat-buffet of problems to solve.

 15.  I LOVE teaching. I used to teach Science in Louisville KY before moving to Big Bear Lake and although I LOVED it, it was not where I was meant to be. Now I get to teach my clients about real estate.

16.  Real Estate gives me the opportunity to excel in my business without the fear of being outsourced, downsized or ever being fired.

17.  I love the building businesses from the ground up, and goal setting that real estate brings out in me.

18.  I love that real estate can be a low-cost, high revenue business… If you are smart with your investments.

19.  Real Estate gives me the opportunity to make a great impact on peoples life. I love keeping in contact with those I've helped purchase or sell to.  I even enjoy driving by and seeing owners I didn't work with working on their new investment.

20.  I know more about humanity than I ever would care to want to know. Thanks to real estate, nothing surprises me anymore.

21.  Real Estate is one thing that I can relate anything to.

22.  I love Seller’s-Markets as it challenges me to figure out ways to stand out among the masses.

23.  I love Buyer’s-Markets because it challenges me to figure out ways to stand out among the masses.

24.  Real Estate has given me respect for other professions that are commission-based. It now makes me conscious of purchasing a service or product through the person who helped me make my decision, if that person is paid on commission.

25.  I love Real Estate photography- creepy but true.  It is amazing to see how a home shows up in photos compared to real life.

26.  I was never an organized person. Real Estate has taught me the importance of being organized.  Now I love seeing myself attempt to be organized.

27.  Law. I have never been more up to speed with legal tidbits than I have been since becoming a real estate agent. I have a new respect for the contracts that stipulate what can and cannot happen in real estate.

28. Real Estate gives great income and business growth opportunities to people who are not  scholastically refined. You do not need to go thousands of dollars in educational debt to be a real estate agent. Some of the better agents I have met only have a HS diploma.

29. Choose your own adventure. Real Estate is an endless series of entertaining choices. It is amazing the sort of homes you runs into for showing and furthermore those that you are thinking of listing.  I have already run into a multitude of living spaces that don't shock me anymore.


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