Finding a Deal on a Home Not Listed

Choosing an agent to hire means everything.  Its important not to use the first one you stumble across on the internet because it was their listing and you think you’ll get a better deal by using them.  What’s more important is to do some research on LOCAL agents that are knowledgable of the area, work full time and have access to great deals that aren’t even listed.  I’d like to share with you a couple of scenarios where I’ve been able to score some great deals for my clients for deals that weren’t ever on the market!

Most recently, Feb 2017 my clients purchased the Ron Howard's Family Estate in Boulder Bay.  This particular set of clients were looking for nearly 3 years (mostly online).  Once they aggressively started looking in November of 2016 I started to learn exactly what they were looking for.  I knew someone that had interviewed for a listing that sounded like it would be right up their alley.  While this agent wasn’t going to get the listing due to a strong relationship that had been developed by another agent he let me know about the listing and how much they’d be asking for it when they hit the market.

Meanwhile, the sellers agreed to have my clients take a look at the home without advertising it and listing it on the MLS and my clients fell in LOVE.  What a great house!  4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Pottery Barn style oversized A Frame on nearly 1/3 acre with lake views and a 2 car garage!  It sits right across the street from the lake and is such a beautiful setting.  Unfortunately some other clients fell in love and wrote an offer too.  By providing a strong offer, a letter from my clients and their family and proof of funds we got it and closed within 2 weeks!  In a market like we were experiencing in Feb 2017 if this home had been listed in the MLS it would have easily drawn multiple offers.  What a deal for my clients and their family!

Add to that another one I just opened escrow on March 1, 2017.  A cute studio was listed about 4 months ago and didn’t sell due to bad photography.  I just opened escrow on it with my client for $125k in Big Bear Lake!  Right now there are 2 homes in the ENTIRE valley that are listed under $125k so I’m pretty happy we were able to find her such a good deal.  This same client bought another home from me that was an off market listing back in the summer of 2016.  That was the most incredible story on how we found that one!

The moral of the stories listed above are just to find an agent that has relationships with potential sellers.  In a market like we have right now its important to find off market listings because of our low inventory.  Low inventory causes multiple offers and drives the prices upwards which is not what I want for my buyers.
If you have a certain criteria of what you are looking for and are ready to go give me a call at 909-744-2190 or email me at  Looking forward to working with you!


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