Back up and running...In more ways than one...

After nearly a month off as the title of this blog states I'm back up and running.  Literally running but also running with Real Estate again....and it feels great!

While it was difficult to take off I was able to give birth to my first born- Addie Jane.  Born January 4th at 9:10 am weighing in at 6 lbs 10 oz and 19 inches long.  It was a truly enjoyable and fairly easy experience for what it was.  Taking off for the month has given me some time to bond with her which has been oh so wonderful!

Those of you that know me, know that the word workaholic describes me.  So when I say I took off for a month what I meant was I still partially worked when it was needed of me.  My first week back I attended my clients home inspection and appointments showing houses as I could.  I also got some great education in by reading  "Massive Abundance" by Christopher Stafford.  On walks with my daughter I was able to preview new homes coming on the market in my neighborhood.

In addition to my newborn baby girl and getting back into real estate I've also gotten back into running again- another of my passions.  My plans for this year are the Louisville Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon in April and also the Holcomb Valley 33 Miler in June.  Right now I'm doing just some of my neighborhood loops totaling up to 2-3 miles but doing that multiple times a week while also getting back into hiking to stay loose. 

It's been a wonderful (yet short) road to recovery and I can't wait to do all over again!


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