This week in Big Bear

Two firsts happened this week while in Big Bear.  I came across my first bear and survived the first flash flood...

First, while out with buyers this weekend we came across this, a brown bear moseying thru Big Bear City.  Over in Poet's Corner area of Big Bear Lake we were in the driveway comparing all the properties we've seen so far only to find this guy getting in a neighbors trash.  We kept our distance and watched from the car while snapping some photos and just after this picture was taken he crawled over the fence then ran down the street.  Bears were becoming quite popular down in the valley due to the drought of rain that we've been experiencing.  They've been coming closer down to the lake to find water.  Which leads me to my second 'first'.

Secondly, today Big Bear City experienced some extreme flash floods which remained until 5:00pm today. 
Within minutes of looking at the pool in my backyard that was developing it began creeping inside the home where we just laid all new hardwood flooring.  In addition to the rain we had high volumes of hail the size of peas!  With the hail clumping up and covering all access holes and gutters the rain just sat stagnant and growing alongside the home.  I had to break out my raincoat and rain boots to direct and redirect the rain out to the gutters.

All in all, I survived.  Its just crazy the things you never prepare for yet can happen while living in the mountains.


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