July Market Statistics

 Below are the market statistics Year to Date from 2012 and 2013 and indicators of how our market is shifting.

We've gone up 9% in new listings and 13% in closed transactions.

Our Median Sales Price has gone up due to a less amount of inventory in the <$100K price range and the Average sales price has gone up 4%.

The Price per Square Foot has gone up over 12% from 2012- great for sellers, less great for buyers.

Days on Market- down 19%- if you're a seller looking to list all the more reason to list your home~!

Inventory- If the market were to not take on any new homes today we would run out with our current conversion rate in 5.16 Months- meaning? we have moved into a sellers market.

New Listings9661056
Closed Listings614695
Median Sales Price$159,000.00$172,000.00
Average Sales Price$228,084.00$238,035.00
Price Per Square Foot$138.39$154.38
Percent of Original List Price95.00%97.00%
Days on Market126102
Inventory of Homes for Sale
5.16 Months


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