My mind on a plane...

After my last incident...I don't fly so well.

It's true.  I act like a pill on a plane.

Flight 1 heading to Vegas from Louisville proves just that...The take off freaks me out.  I'm sitting on the left hand aisle seat with the middle seat open and an older gentleman 'Dad type' at the window seat.  On my right was a son mid-30's with his mother. 

I tried sleeping but I could tell it just wasn't going to happen.  I wasn't really alarmed since the flight attendants were friendly - but then I saw them congregate in the back-together like they were planning something- and my thoughts turned against them.

My thought process went something like this.
Oh no...they're terrorists.  They're going to take over our plane. Do their bags get checked when coming to work?
Oh god, they've split up...they're starting their plan...But wait... they're acting normal...that's what I would do if I were them right?... Why's the attendant getting his bag out?...
Why did they just open the cabin door to the pilot?...
They're not allowed to do that are they?...Oh no...
The pilots are in on it too...but I guess they should have access the pilots could both die...gosh...hope that never happens...
I wonder what would happen if that took place...
how many pilots buy coach class airline tickets to help out if something like that happened....back to the flight attendant - 
he now has his sweater on...probably so he can be warm when he sky dives while they abandon the plane mid-air...oh no...
That must be their plan...I should check on him...
But the seat-belt button is lighted...oh well I'm going for it...Why is he crouched by the door...he's only pretending to get drinks...

As my thought process has clearly gone off the deep end I realize that while I'm having these thoughts I'm scanning the plane front to back and back to front.. I've started to  notice that the two men beside me have noticed I am a strange individual and that I may have something wrong with me.

Also while I'm thinking and scanning, scanning and thinking I have started to hear random electronic beeping noises near me.  This opens up a new can of worms...

I mean how could TSA have missed this?...
Why didn't they catch this person with a bomb on them behind me?... Which person actually has this on them? ...
Is it that young 5 year old?...Is it the man listening to the walkman?...I wonder why they don't search peoples hair or inside their clothing for any non metals?...
I'm a fan of the see thru screening processes but not all airports have one...and I'm not coming from one that does...yikes...

So...this brings me to our landing...nothing has happened...and we're about to stewardess/terrorists abandoning the plane...  They're all still 'acting' normal...

The weird flight attendant that was attending the back of the plane gets on the PA system.  He begins talking about Vegas and Kenny Rodgers? 

While we're taxi-ing to the gate, he begins singing...The Gambler...

You got to know when to hold'em, know when to fold'em.
Know when to walk away, know when to run.
You never count your money when you're sittin' at the table,
There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.

This...must have been their plan all along...singers...not terrorists...


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