Case of the Mondays

What exactly does it mean to have a case of the Mondays? 

Urban Dictionary has two similar definitions of this saying:
  • 'Symptoms of a useless or horrible Monday morning after returning from the weekend, used in the movie Office Space.'   
  • 'When someone comes into work on a Monday and they're really pissed off.'
My definition or understanding of this term is a little different:

Monday #1

Let's start with 2 weeks ago on, Monday (obviously) July18th, 2011. I went for a 8 mile trail run from my work to a company BBQ.  Getting there I chose to run up Towne Trail, to 2N08, to 2N17 and down 2N10 then take the roads to the BBQ.
What was supposed to be an uneventful and just shy of a 1.5 hour run turned into a 2.5 hour run that included finding a dead body.
Coming down Mill Creek road/2N10 I was running the line of best fit, I happened to look over the side of a small cliff, there was a bike, I thought - that looks like something that I would do, stash my bike and come back for it later, but there was a body with that bicycle and he didn't have a helmet on.  I didn't want to go down there right away, the cops daughter in me thought this could be a staged body and could backfire quickly on me, I ran to the nearest cabin down the road and found someone to call 911 with.  The family showed up at the scene, I was interviewed by the local sheriffs and the rest is just history. Article here.

Monday #2

The following Monday, July 25th, I found myself in Charleston, South Carolina for an old friends funeral.  After the funeral I headed to the CHS airport flying home via American Airlines. Now this is not something that I would normally do, I'm a fan of Southwest myself.  Yet, my company was sending me with their miles and I greatly accepted and appreciated that. 

The flight to Dallas, TX was uneventful. Even though we landed on time the next flight I was to catch was coming from somewhere in Mexico and was 45 minutes late.  Ok. Fine. I'll be alright with an hour delay.  Not the end of the story though.   It goes on to where we board, buckle  up and ignore the flight attendant regarding Seat Belts, Emergency Exits or Oxygen Masks.  

The wheels always startle me when they go up, but this time it was different. There was a loud BANG that followed, the cabin lights and the plane started floating and falling, almost as if it'd lost power.  The people in the back started screaming so I thought we had a terrorist on our hands.  The lady next to me started holding me and praying.  Her version of what happened what that the wheels got stuck and we were going to have to land without them- not good.

After what seemed like an hour, after crying my guts out, after getting my cell phone out to potentially make 2 calls #1 to my boyfriend who was in the middle of the woods in Colorado to leave a VM that I was dying and  #2 to my parents- who I knew would answer that late due to countless nights at the bar in college, we finally learned we'd lost an engine.  We landed safely and were towed to the gate.  After waiting two hour to find out the new plane they'd found for us wasn't taking off that night we were given the option of cots or hotel rooms- I chose the latter.  Article here.

So, as you can see I now have a problem/fear or case of the Mondays. 

I'm going to keep a positive outlook yet not be surprised if something absolutely ridiculous happens tomorrow-a.k.a Monday August 1, 2011.



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